Full Moon

From up here it really did look like a horse. And when the clouds shifted, it seemed to be moving. You could think you heard a whinny and the stamp of a hoof.

It had dominated the discussions since it appeared. Old Graybor maintained that the shape of a thing determines its nature. The young realists thought it was more important what a thing does. This thing didn’t move, and it smelled of tree. Boldly Balin had cocked his leg and made it his own. Now he was leader of the pack.

Showtime. He lifted his head in a howl.

The 100 word challenge at Julia’s place. My favorites to date:
Always look a gift horse…  (Ventahl). Earth magic (Lisawieldswords). Horse n°36 (sjbwriting).

This week’s prompt below: a driftwood sculpture by Heather Jansch. Don’t miss the beautiful photos.

Photo by Julia.

The eden project also boasts the biggest rainforest in captivity: I hope they treat it kindly.

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I like blue.

10 thoughts on “Full Moon”

  1. I enjoyed this a lot – it was a really novel way to use the prompt! So many of the stories this week have focused on how beautiful it is … and you have a wolf or wild dog weeing on it! That made me laugh! Great stuff 🙂

    1. Thanks. Most stories did seem to go either with its beauty, its power or decay. I liked your idea of making it a reject.

      It is interesting to read a lot of stories written from the same prompt isn’t it? I just discovered this, but am already looking forward to the next.

    1. Thanks. I was rather proud of making the pack have philosophical differences…
      It is great to be writing again. I haven’t done it in so long.

    1. Yup it did, don’t know why. Have unspammed to teach the system a lesson, but not displayed as you wrote again. Thanks for the perseverance.

      Bertie is wagging his tail, or the tail is wagging most of Bertie, he’s so pleased to be recognised as top dog material. He does insist on being featured in each post, but this prompt was really an unmissable opportunity.

      Rrroof, woof.

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